Hi guest ,  Welcome to The Peaks at Jefferson, NJ.

Dear Neighbors!

This is a sincere attempt to bring us all together as a fun vibrant community that shares in the joy of the diversity the community has to offer. Please feel free to contribute pictures, event notice and why not even classified for FREE! The contact email address is nrigirl at hotmail dot com

~ NRIGirl

We are Family

Written By NRIGirl on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 | Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We can't deny the fact our faces light up when we meet a fellow Peaks resident somewhere unexpected such as in a flea market or nail salon or children's sports and the like. We connect at once like we are family.

How would you feel if you run into fellow residents at some 30,000 ft in the clouds? Elated for sure right? That's exactly how we felt last summer. While traveling to India we met at least three other Peaks families in the flight and heard a fourth family was on the same flight too! One of us exclaimed that it seemed like we booked a flight just for Peaks! That's how happy we felt flying together.

Now the question is, do we share the same cheer once inside the community? Do we even know the names of our neighbors, their children? What is preventing us from connecting with one another? I am guilty myself of not making enough friends and not going the extra mile and not doing enough within the community. Once I started realizing what was lacking I couldn't help but start a campaign to bring us all closer, hence this attempt at the web site.

If only we can all come out of our shell and look around us and do the least we can, I believe Peaks will soon be a Big Happy Family! Care to share your ideas? Please use the comments section below.


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