Hi guest ,  Welcome to The Peaks at Jefferson, NJ.

Dear Neighbors!

This is a sincere attempt to bring us all together as a fun vibrant community that shares in the joy of the diversity the community has to offer. Please feel free to contribute pictures, event notice and why not even classified for FREE! The contact email address is nrigirl at hotmail dot com

~ NRIGirl

Two House Moving Sale!!

Written By NRIGirl on Monday, August 4, 2014 | Monday, August 04, 2014

2-house Moving & Garage Sale

Saturdays, August 9th & Saturday August 16th

114 Black Oak Trail &
112 Black Oak Trail.

Pictures will be added shortly. Please stay tuned...

Contact: Jim McLaughlin @ (973).663.8496
Monday, August 04, 2014 | 0 comments

Garage Sale Galore!

Written By NRIGirl on Friday, October 18, 2013 | Friday, October 18, 2013

A perfect weekend to stroll the streets, loading up on rare finds from neighborhood garage sales. 

Here's a listing of all the garage sales at the Peaks this weekend:

* 159 TANGLEWOOD PASS; 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM; Friday & Saturday - 18th/19th October 2013

* 427 Rock Ridge Road; 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Saturday - 19th October 2013

* 201 Highpoint CT, Saturday 19th October 2013

Let's the shopping begin!!
Friday, October 18, 2013 | 0 comments

Jefferson Youth Sports Haircut Week at Great Clips

Written By NRIGirl on Wednesday, July 24, 2013 | Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Announcing the 1st Jefferson Youth Sports Haircut Week at 

Great Clips (in the A&P Shopping Center) , 5748A Berkshire Valley Road, Oak Ridge

Phone: 973-874-0412.  

All Jefferson Youth Sports players will receive haircuts for $6.99, and anyone who accompanies them will receive haircuts for $9.99  – the regular charge for these services is $14 for adults and $11 for kids 10 and under, so this is a substantial savings.  

The event will run Monday to Friday July 29 – August 2, 2013; the salon’s hours are 9AM – 9PM.  

All Jefferson Youth Sports players must bring/wear their team shirt to receive this special offer.  

Great Clips offers On-Line Check In through greatclips.com or through smartphone apps – no need to wait!  

Hurry in and take advantage of this special offer!  

Great Clips – It’s Gonna Be Great!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013 | 0 comments

Jefferson Township Day XXVII

Written By NRIGirl on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 | Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What: The 27th annual celebration of Jefferson Township Day
When: Saturday, July 13 
Where: Jefferson Township High School fields located at 1010 Weldon Road. 
For more info, check out JeffersonArts website.

A variety of activities will take place during the daylong celebration -- an Arts’ Karts Derby race, exhibits, children’s games, live entertainment, Young Rocker bands, numerous inflatable activities, and a variety of food. 

The day’s events will culminate with a concert under the stars featuring Carnaby Street -- a band that takes their listeners on a musical experience of the 1960’s -- followed by a huge aerial fireworks display.

Come one, come all!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 | 0 comments

4th of July Fireworks around town

Written By NRIGirl on Tuesday, July 2, 2013 | Tuesday, July 02, 2013

 Happy 4th of July to all! Here's a listing of fireworks venues around town.

July 3rd 2013

Dover, Hamilton Athletic Field, Route 46 ~ 973.366.2200

July 4th 2013

* Morristown, Lewis Morris Park, 270 Mendham Rd, Morristown, NJ 07960 ~ 973.631.5151

* Chatham Borough, Chatham Middle School, 480 Main St. ~ 973.635.0674

* Denville, Gardner Field, Route 46 ~ 973.625.8300/973.627.4900

* E. Hanover, Lurker Park, Ridgedale Ave. ~ 973.428.3091

* Florham Park, Emmett Field, Ridgedale Ave. ~ 973.410.5300

* Lincoln Park, JDT Rehab Center, 521 Pine Brook Rd. ~ 973.317.7500

* Mountain Lakes, Boonton Avenue 973.334.3131

* Parsippany, Parsippany-Hills H.S., Rita Dr. 973.263.7255

July 5

Mount Arlington, on Lake Hopatcong, 973.398.6832
Rain date: July 7

July 6

Randolph, County College of Morris, 214 Center Grove Rd ~ 973.989.7081
Tuesday, July 02, 2013 | 0 comments

Color A Smile :)

Written By NRIGirl on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 | Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer is always beautiful here at the Peaks.  Pretty flowers, greener lawns, active neighbors, cheerful kids, summer specials, the list is endless. 

Now that the schools are out here's something wonderful for our kids to participate in. Color A Smile!

Color A Smile is a non-profit organization located in Morristown, NJ - dedicated to spread a smile with cheerful drawings. Color A Smile collects crayon drawings from school children. Every month they distribute these drawings to Nursing Homes, Meals on Wheels Programs, and Individuals all across the country. The goal is to make people smile

On their website (www.colorasmile.org) you will find tons of pre-drawn templates that you could simply print and color OR you could draw your own pictures following the instructions below.

Instructions to Young Artists

* Use standard 8 1/2 X 11 letter size paper.
* Use one side of the paper only. (No fold over cards)
* Sign the front of the drawing with your first name and age.
* Do not put a date on any drawing.
* Choose cheerful, colorful themes. (Avoid "Get Well")
* Use crayon, marker, or colored pencil.P
* Do not use glitter, paint or paste.
* Mail completed drawings to: Color A Smile, O Box 1516, Morristown, NJ 07962-1516

Alternatively you could drop the drawings in our mail box at 463 Mountaintop CT and we will package them up and send it collectively to Color A Smile.

How about that? 

Happy Summer!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013 | 0 comments

Mini Carnival

Written By NRIGirl on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 | Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mr. and Mrs. Dave's Mini Carnival for students and their parents.

Food, Games and Lots and Lots of Fun!

When: Sunday, 02-Jun-2013 1- 4 PM

Rain Date: 09-Jun-2013 1- 4 PM

Where: 116 Black Oak Trail

RSVP: 24-May-2013

Call Mr. and Mrs. Dave at: (201) 988-7403

Looking forward to a great time together at the carnival!

NOTE: Regular music lessons to resume on 03-Jun-2013.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013 | 0 comments

A resident's plea

Written By NRIGirl on Saturday, April 6, 2013 | Saturday, April 06, 2013

I  know we have spoken about the litter problem at the entrance and throughout the community.

Several residents and I help by picking up what they can, but this situation is now out of control.

If someone outside the Peaks were to throw away garbage bags, I doubt very highly that they would trek down to Black Oak Trail to do it.

Also, based on the fact that most owners do not pick up any garbge (they just walk by it or drive right past it), I would not put this action passed some of
the fellow homeowners. I know someone else in our community saw a homeowner take a plastic bag of dog poop and just throw it right behind the railing (still in the bag).

I am not just venting here. We NEED a solution.

I love this beautiful community that we invested in. It is a friendly, family oriented community, not
a third world country. Jeff Oster was good enough to make certain that this issue was mentioned in the newsletter, but I guess it did not make much of an impact. We all have busy lives, but we need to convey this epidemic to the people who do not subscribe to this page. I have outlined some ideas below and maybe we can all put our heads together to conquer this.

I would like to think that many other owners here do not know the extent of this major problem. I have a hard time believing that they would be OK with garbage bags and many other items thrown in our woods. This is getting much worse than the McDonalds bags we are always cleaning up in the entrance.

1. Peaks Clean-up Day. Not many people showed up last time, but maybe if we notify people of the extent of the problem, we can get a better turnout. Is Earth Day weekend, April 28 good for anyone?

2. When we do clean the Peaks (even individually), I would like to purchase either t-shirts or those cheap signs that go in the ground and would read, "Concerned Peaks Owner at Work, Please Help". Too many times other volunteers and I get a strange look like we are all doing community service through the Jefferson Police. Some people have even said to me with a glazed look, "I saw you cleaning yesterday" and not even offer to help or question anything. The time for that and saying thank you to the few concerned owners is over.

3. I am not sure if the littering signs will ever come, but I am also proposing Neighberhood Litter Watch signs be posted, giving the owners the right to get someone fined if they see some of this disgusting behavior. I know it sounds harsh, but we all work very hard to afford our homes, and I will not led some people lessen the value and beauty of our community.

4. Throughout the community, pictures of the trash should be taken, including the trash behind the railings, put on one sheet of paper and distributed to every home. We could put a caption on it, "Your Home" or something like that. Yes, this would cost money for printing, but that would be must less costly than having your investment in a garbage dump. I (and am sure others) would be more than willing to help distribute these notices to all the homes.

Let's keep the Peaks beautiful,

~ Your Fellow Resident
Saturday, April 06, 2013 | 0 comments

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